Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yard Work

While I was doing a little yard work look what I raked up. There is no such thing as "a little yard work" on our farm. I'm very much Anti-Pooh which means we have to clean up "behind" everyone continuously. It is all worth while; knowing all our creatures have a clean, well fed, humane life style. Maybe a little to much "style" is going on some days, which is the fun part of our farm.

A New Crib for my Peeps

Lola, Zelda and Coco love their new Chick Chalet. Here you can see Lola doing a little gardening on her front porch. They have not had time to finish painting yet but they love the lime color on the one side that is painted. The interior is finished off in early wood chips with a roosting post and cathedral ceiling for ventilation on those hot summer days. The new heating system will keep them toasty warm in the winter also.
A few of the other hens are a little jealous but every now and then a hen will pay a unexpected visit to the Chalet, squeeze through the door and leave a house warming gift behind!